Here's the idea. I'm reading about the Catholic Worker movement--where a devout Christian woman, Dorothy Day, consistently challenged her prevailing government--in front of her companion in the communion of saints, St Thomas More, who challenged the British monarch and lost his life for it. I'm supposed to be between the two suggesting (if there is a thought balloon here) "now what do *I* do?"
But mostly, I look a little freaked out at how big the Thomas More window is next to me.
Thanks for doing this, Carol. It's been fun to see what all these look like. --SWD
1 comment: of the page.
Here's the idea. I'm reading about the Catholic Worker movement--where a devout Christian woman, Dorothy Day, consistently challenged her prevailing government--in front of her companion in the communion of saints, St Thomas More, who challenged the British monarch and lost his life for it. I'm supposed to be between the two suggesting (if there is a thought balloon here) "now what do *I* do?"
But mostly, I look a little freaked out at how big the Thomas More window is next to me.
Thanks for doing this, Carol. It's been fun to see what all these look like.
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